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Need a little help developing resilience and finding joy again? 

Local friends can join my Charlotte Mason parent study group, bring their kids to co-op or just stop by to browse my living library and have a chat. I've always got more content, classes, curriculum, and information on the way, and I'm happy to help prepare your student for a specific book, tool, or subject. 

Need a little something more? 
I offer peer advocacy, resilience coaching and resource mining for families.

I am not a therapist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, case manager, attorney, school administrator, attorney, pharmacist, law enforcement officer, judge, banker, law maker, security, or cybersecurity specialist.

I was forced to learn these skills as systems failed me and my family when we began the process of attempting to find freedom and recovery from criminal abuse and coercive control.  I never had a guide, so now I am an advocate for women and their families experiencing complicated situations due to trauma and recovery and the nature of our systems and governance.

Please feel free to reach out for one-on-one sessions, whether you just want to problem-solve a complicated homeschool strategy, or need help to get your home feeling like home again (or even for the first time!) You can also book sessions in bulk for more complicated issues, like finding solutions for a child with intense school refusal or oppositional behavior, navigating appropriate documentation or the path through hospitalization, or just figuring out how to take care of yourself while caring for others. No one should ever do this alone.

Use the Contact tab to get in touch. 
See you soon!